Thursday, December 17, 2009

This is my Artwork

This is my ColoringBook Picture
This is my Nature Collage

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Post #10

The session is almost over! What assignments do you have left to complete, and what is your plan to finish them on time?

The assignments that I have to finish is the School Coloring Book & the Gallery Show Triptych. For the school coloring book I have almost completed the assignment but I still have half of the picture to edit. And I still have to erase something on the pictures because thats a part of editing it. In the triptych I still want to complete editing my colors and stilze's. And the last thing I have to continue working on is my journal topic's i only have to continue keeping track of these because sometimes people forget all about these.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Post #9

List 5 ideas you could do for your photo triptych. Remember that you must do this on your own time. It is a graded assignment due December 17.
One idea I could do for my triptych, I could take a picture of the sky with something flying around. Another idea that I could think of, is taking a picture of a tree, but since I can't get on top of a tree I can take a picture of the bottom from the scene of the trunk to the bottom of it. I can also take a picture of the ground for example the different types like the grass the concrete or the dirt. I can take a picture of the walls and maybe posters on the walls or for example a sign, or different signs on the wall. The last thing I could think of taking a picture is of moods and it surroundings for example people laughing, crying, sleeping, lazy, and reactions.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Post #8

Why are you late today Jason Perez?

I am late because I decided to go to sleep a bit late. And I woke up this morning with ten minutes till the school bell rings. By the time I was done dressing and brushing my teeth there was 5 minutes till the bell. The way my driver drives I know I can get to school in 2 and a half minutes. But since he thought I was taking long, he felt a bit angry and started smoking his cigarette. And this took up about 4 minutes, so I got mad and tried to go take a shower and eat which took 8 minutes and by the time I realized he was done smoking his cigarette, I was done with what I was doing and then there wasn't any more time left to be late. In two more minutes I would be considered absent. It is "Clear" to see that neither me or my driver are morning people. I suppose that this entry that I'm writing serves as a excuse for my tardiness.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Post #7

How many ways can you think of to take different photos of the same object? Explain your answers.

I think I can only think of 5 ways to take the same picture different ways. One way would be to take the picture in its original form with the same lighting and everything in the parallel direction. The Second way would be to add the black and white effect to the camera. The third way i could think of taking the same picture of the same object would be to add the moonlight effect, so that the photo will come out a bit more darker. The fourth way I could think of taking a picture of the same object would be to add the daylight effect, this adds more light to the view so that if your picture is sort of dark then this effect adds some brightness to your photo. The last and final way i could think about taking a different photo of the same object would be like when you change all these effect and at the same time tilt the camera to you catch every angle, bright, dark, big, small, zoomed in, zoomed out, or just original.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Post #6

What questions do you still have about lighting for portraits? What else would you like to learn? On a scale of 1-5, with 5 being super excited, how much are you looking forward to using the studio?
Why is lighting important? Why does lighting affect the mood of a picture?, and another thing that I would like to learn is what are we suppose to be taking picture of if we are in the studio with no props? and How do we get the props? and also I would like to know why is my grade so low and who is grading me? in my old class I wasn't doing as good and now I'm doing much better and my grades are worse? why is that?.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Post #5

Every student in this class must complete learning log activities. This will be counted as an assignment grade. Your assignment is to create 3 images to be printed, framed, and exhibited at a public art show. The show will be the evening of December 19 at Big Al's Brewery in White Center. Big Al's is open to all ages. Attendance at the show is voluntary. More information about the assignment will be posted soon.
-Your journal assignment for today: Are you interested in attending this event?

I am interested in the assignment, unfortunately I cannot attend this activity. I would love to create a piece of art work to show how my feelings and other things are revolving in my head.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Post #4

We are going to set up a studio to take portraits of each other. Write a description of what you think it should be like-describe the background and any props you think we should have, as well as any other ideas you can come up with!

I think the background should have a river as a picture or a white background. Some props that I think we should have is like a black wig or 15th century clothing, or i dont know just something that isn't expected.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Blog #3

What do you like best about Photoshop? What do you like the least about Photoshop?
What I like best about photoshop is that you can wonder around with many diffrent things to change any kind of pictures, and create new color and levels. What I like the least about Photoshop is that sometimes you could mess up with a picture and it wont give you the chance to go back a correct it.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My Leveled Pictures


Blog #2

Happy December! Did you know Mrs. Magyar's birthday is in only 5 more days? What was the most frustrating thing about yesterday's class? How did you deal with it, and how could you deal with it differently?

Thank you very much for you computerized greeting. No, I did not know that Mrs.Magyar's birthday is in 5 more days. The most frustrating part about yesterdays class is that I didn't get to class on time. I dealt with it by rushing to every bus stop and got to school before 3rd and 4th period could start. So in the end I managed to get all my work caught up and I completed what I needed to do in this class

Monday, November 30, 2009

Blog #1

Welcome to Photo Craft class! What do you hope to learn in this class? What are you excited about and what are you worried about, concerning this class?

Hello my name is Jason, and something that I hope to learn in this class is how to create a lot of different kinds of arts and craft. Another thing that I hope to learn in this class is how to be a student and trying to open up my mind to unlimited sources of behavior for example: happy, angry, drowsy, awake, hungry, and patient. Something that I am excited about is being able to work on the computer all day long, because then I have less to struggle and because its applies to my future learning habits on using the computer for learning how to create neat things that we can give away as gifts to someone else.